Course Catalog
Find the adult education courses that are right for you! Filter by location and type of class. Choose from more than 200 classes held in 30 places around New Hampshire.
This course will explore literature dealing with contemporary global issues, such as oppression in third world countries, the rising tide of fanaticism, and human right. Students will read, analyze, interpret, discuss and synthesize information in a series of essays and projects.
The Intermediate-Advanced English course will focus on English grammar forms and structures through listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities. Students will listen to oral stories and dialogues to learn conversation strategies, increase vocabulary, and learn paragraph structure.
The Reading, Writing and Discussion course is for those students with some English experience and who are comfortable speaking the language. Each week we will read a news article or short story, review new vocabulary from the reading, and discuss the article and story content. Class meets remotely.
The All Levels English course provides practice in English through listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities. Students will learn vocabulary and basic grammar, and increase their skills through topics that may include current events and personal interests.
Beginning English II is for students with very limited skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing, and who want to develop these skills throughout the course.
Beginning English 1 is for students with little to no English. Students will develop skills while practicing listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
This class is for students ages 18 and older who want a review of basic reading or math skills or who would like to prepare for the High School Equivalency Exam (HiSET).
Presents a literary look at great American films through the study of hallmark films of the 20th century cinema such as Modern Times, Citizen Kate, Casablanca, Rebel Without a Cause, Dr. Strangelove and Star Wars. Students critically view, discuss and write about these great films.
Students learn the practical side of money management to prepare them to make sound financial decisions from their first job through retirement. This course informs students how choices directly impact future financial circumstances.
Utilizing the Edmentum Courseware platform we are able to offer a curriculum for Adult learners with over 400 engaging courses. Courses address a wide range of educational needs including original credit, credit recovery, career readiness, college readiness, and higher education options.
English class that teaches reading, writing, listening, speaking, and digital literacy. Designed to help students to improve their English and digital literacy, workforce skills and civics education. Students must be able to attend orientation and placement testing in person.
English language support and skills for students training to be Licensed Nursing Assistants, with intermediate/advanced English skills (levels 4-6). This class is paired with Manchester Community College enrollment. Upon completion, students will be prepared for the LNA state certification exam.
General English class that teaches reading, writing, listening, speaking, and digital literacy. Designed to help students to improve their English and digital literacy skills in order to reach their career and educational goals.
General English class that teaches reading, writing, listening, speaking, and digital literacy. Designed to help students to improve their English and digital literacy skills in order to reach their career and educational goals.
English class that teaches reading, writing, listening, speaking, and digital literacy. Designed to help students to improve their English and digital literacy, workforce skills and civics education. Students must be able to attend orientation and placement testing in person.
General English class that teaches reading, writing, listening, speaking, and digital literacy. Students must be able to attend orientation and placement testing in person.
General English class that teaches reading, writing, listening, speaking, and digital literacy. Students must be able to attend orientation and placement testing in person.
General English class that teaches reading, writing, listening, speaking, and digital literacy. Students must be able to attend orientation and placement testing in person.
General English class that teaches reading, writing, listening, speaking, and digital literacy. Designed to help students to improve their English and digital literacy skills in order to reach their college and career goals.
The Independent GAP program (Plato) is available to students who seek course credits toward a high school diploma that are not offered through our traditional in-person GAP classrooms. Independent GAP is a fully remote learning program through the Edmentum website.
The ADP is available to adult learners and high school students 16 years old and over who seek course credits toward a high school diploma. We offer over 380 on-line courses through Edmentum, available 24/7/365. Future goals are considered when selecting classes. Courses are free.
This course covers high school level content across all subjects to prepare students to take the HiSET exam.
An extended learning opportunity is an independent course available for various credit needs. Teacher support and guidance throughout.
Plato is an on-line platform that offers several courses for various credit needs. The program is done independently, but teacher support and guidance will be offered throughout.
English Learner Families to Schools (ELFS)
English Learner Families to Schools (ELFS)
This class focuses on a review of skills in the areas of writing, reading, social studies, science, and math. This class is suitable for those who want to refresh skills, take the HiSET exam, or get ready for further education. Class and individualized instruction.
This class focuses on a review of skills in the areas of writing, reading, social studies, science, and math. This class is suitable for those who want to refresh skills, take the HiSET exam, or get ready for further education. Class and individualized instruction.
This is an online, self-guided class that earns 0.5 AHS diploma Social Studies credit. This class covers basic economic problems such as scarcity, choice, and resources. It also covers market structures and international trade.
This is an online, self-guided class that earns 1.0 AHS diploma U.S. History credit. This class covers historical inquiry, review of events and principles behind the founding of the U.S., and analyzes societal issues, trends, and events from the Civil War to the Great Depression.
This program provides free 1-to1 tutoring in basic skills and ESL skills for anyone 18 years and older in Strafford County. Tutors meet with students at an agreed upon time and place. Tutors focus on the needs of the individual student.
Burlington English offers courses in General English, Civics, Career Skills, and Grammar. Students use Burlington English to do lessons on their phone, tablets, or computers whenever is convenient for them. They can also meet on Zoom with a teacher and other students to do lessons together.
This course teaches English for beginners and includes work in Burlington English. Placement tests determine which weekdays students attend.
This class is for students on the Intermediate or Advanced Level and includes grammar study, conversation for real-life situations, writing, and other content based on student input.
This class is for students on the Intermediate or Advanced Level and includes work in Burlington English.
A comprehensive review of the five subjects of the HiSET tests, including reading comprehension, grammar/usage, language mechanics, essay writing, topics in science and social studies, algebraic equations, geometry, and number concepts.
Events and people from the Civil War Reconstruction to the 21st century. Use of maps, reading exercises, discussion, analysis, and historical sources to the progressive movement, immigration, WWI, WWII, the Great Depression, Civil Rights, the Cold War, Vietnam, and more recent conflicts.
The course looks at US wars historically and through the lens of art. Americans’ perception of war has been influenced by artists in literature, film, and music. Includes reading, writing, discussion, and viewing war-related materials, for both information and for analysis.
This class earns 1 Adult High School math credit and is Common Core aligned. Class focuses on math concepts such as representing data through graphing, using mathematical models to solve problems, analyzing and interpreting data, and writing and solving equations.
Students examine each system in the human body, while also learning key vocabulary and medical terminology associated with each system. Hands-on activities and projects. Class can be part of a nursing career pathway.
Satire is increasingly prevalent in our culture. The course introduces students to satire and humor in various forms (print, online, audio, and video). It explores the genre of satire and the use of humor. Students will read, listen to, watch, and create satires and parodies.
Students will be required to complete additional work outside of class time to meet the competencies for either of the classes.
Introduces students to the short story in its various forms, using short stories of such contemporary authors as Stephen King as a way to explore the genre. Students will have the opportunity to read, listen to, watch, and even create short stories. (1 English Credit)
The All Levels English course provides practice in English through listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities. Students will learn vocabulary and basic grammar, and increase their skills through topics that may include current events and personal interests.
This math class includes different skills such as solving systems of equations, factoring basic quadratics, applications of basic quadratics, sequences (arithmetic and geometric), linear and exponential functions, and basic stats (mean, median, mode, and sampling methods).
This English class is for students who are interested in myths, in history, in the stories upon which our world is founded.
This course will provide an overview of forensic science topics using foundations of chemistry, physics, biology and experimental design
This course will look into the introduction to the grand topic of economics. With this being a large topic, we will cover the basic concepts and principles that affect our everyday life
This course explores American History from Colonialism through the Cold War. Students will study basic documents and concepts of American government, such as the U.S.
This course offers an introduction to the basics of reading and writing short fiction and to the building blocks of good storytelling. Students will read a selection of short stories and participate in class discussions of the assigned stories in their historical and social contexts.
Math/science concepts applied to real-world issues in biology, physics, chemistry. Math topics: using formulas, ratios, percentages, scientific notation, probability. Hands-on activities/project-based learning in ecology, forces/motion, molecular structure. (1 Science OR 1 Math Credit)
Chemistry basics focus on real world applications. Inorganic, organic, and biochemistry are covered. A self-directed online course with in-person labs to demonstrate concepts. Course includes problem sets and labs for each area. The instructor is available during the course.
For HiSET registration of all test please go to
In partnership with Great Bay CC, this program will provide necessary certifications for employment opportunities. Space limited to 8 students. Program will include 60 hours clinical, 60 hours theory, 24 hours lab onsite at Great Bay (3) 8-hour days. Summer 2024 session will begin in July.
Beginning with the Enlightenment, this class explores revolution, economic development and world conflict throughout history. Students will critically analyze the social, political, technological and economic developments that have shaped recent history.
Students learn mathematical skills useful all through life: maintaining bank accounts, budgets, credit installment buying, taxes, insurance investments and home and automobile financing. A scientific calculator is recommended.
Students will create many pieces, explore a variety of surface decoration techniques, learn how to throw on the potter’s wheel and about firing in a kiln. Well thought out forms, designs and functional uses along with good craftsmanship are emphasized.
The extensive course selections in this program are challenging and require time and effort to complete. Students should plan to attend support classes weekly. The average student will spend 50-100 hours to complete a course.
This course will build a strong foundation for future math courses, accomplished through the application of algebraic techniques to real world scenarios. Concepts and topics develop through study of the real number system, slope and its applications, and tables, graphs and equations.
Students explore American literature and American core documents; read additional works outside of school and give reports. Through class activities, students strengthen listening and viewing skills and improve grammar, usage, syntax and vocabulary by completing writing assignments and speaking.
Students learn the practical side of money management to prepare them to make sound financial decisions from their first job through retirement. This course informs students how choices directly impact future financial circumstances.
Students investigate the social, political and economic ideas that have shaped modern American society. The emphasis is on the 20th century including topics such as social change, foreign policy and the development of the American culture and character.
In this introductory life science course, students cultivate an understanding of biology through inquiry-based investigations while exploring the following topics: evolution, cellular processes, DNA, genetics, ecology, energy pathways in plants and animals and interactions among organisms.
Students learn modern concepts in the lab developing skills such as mass measurements, analysis of data and samples, synthesis of compounds and model building and study nomenclature, equation and formula writing, physical and chemical properties, the mole concept, and energy relationships.
Students will create many pieces, explore a variety of surface decoration techniques, learn how to throw on the potter’s wheel and about firing in a kiln. Well thought out forms, designs and functional uses along with good craftsmanship are emphasized.
Students gain an understanding of how the U.S. Government functions, its branches, lawmaking and principles and the rights and responsibilities of citizens. Contemporary political and governmental issues will be examined.
This course examines the US free enterprise system and the production and distribution of goods and services. It also includes basic economic concepts and an introduction to business, investment, personal finance and career research.
The extensive course selections in this program are challenging and require time and effort to complete. Students should plan to attend support classes weekly. The average student will spend 50-100 hours to complete a course.
From Gothic novels of the 1800’s to “campy” horror of the 80’s, students will be immersed in the world of the unknown. Genres include novels, short stories, poetry and film.
This course teaches English for beginners and includes work in Burlington English. Placement tests determine which weekdays students attend.
Utilizing the Edmentum Courseware platform we are able to offer a curriculum for Adult learners with over 400 engaging courses. Courses address a wide range of educational needs including original credit, credit recovery, career readiness, college readiness, and higher education options.
Our mission is to improve literacy, guarantee job placement and needed social services, help find childcare, housing security, and every day necessities for our students. This ESL Beginners course aids ESL students with just that while using the Burlington English online curriculum.
Students will receive assistance from a HiSET instructor or tutor to prepare for the High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) and explore college and career options for continued success beyond high school.
Students will receive assistance from a HiSET instructor or tutor to prepare for the High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) and explore college and career options for continued success beyond high school.
Helps students ages 16-18 and adults who seek to prepare for their high school equivalency exams by providing academic support and individualized attention. Prepares students for the required practice tests and assists them with setting up an ETS account and registering for the official exam.
Beginner classes are designed for students with little to no knowledge of English usage and structure. This
class begins with basic pronunciation and sentence structure and culminates with beginner conversational
Pre-registration is required for the HiSET Exam. Students can create a HiSET test taker account online at (email address required). Keep your username, password, and ETS ID# written down for all testing. You need this number to schedule your testing sessions and to access your scores.
Utilizing the Edmentum Courseware platform we offer a curriculum for adult learners with over 400 engaging courses that include topics like original credit, credit recovery, career readiness, college readiness, and higher education options.